This guide aims to empower our club members to host successful, engaging, and inclusive events, enhancing our vibrant community spirit. Let's ensure every event reflects our core values of inclusivity, respect, and fun.

General Summary

When sharing third-party events, it's preferable to only share those you are personally attending and can actively engage with club members. The goal is to foster camaraderie and shared experiences, not merely to boost event attendance. For example, as a DJ hosting an open show is less than ideal due to the inability to interact with our members. Instead, focus on building connections and enhancing our community fabric.

Regardless, members are still permitted to share information about third-party events, even if they're not attending. However, the event must appeal to our members in a way that aligns with our club's mission. For instance, sharing game night that you're hosting, an art exhibit you think others may enjoy, or a public hike by another organization. Ticketed for-profit events may now be shared as well as free or at-cost events.

We only have a few event types that we strictly prohibit:

  • Sales/investment meetings (ie. financial advice, realtor open houses, World Financial Group meetings, etc)
  • Affiliate merchandise parties (Mary Kay Makeup, Mona Vie Juice, CutCo Knives, Vacuums)
  • Dating or sexual events of any nature (ie. fetish/kink/swingers/enm/speed dating)
  • Events involving illegal drugs (cannabis, tobacco, alcohol are ok!)
  • Political or controversial topic events (ie. political rallies, Truckers Freedom Convoy, etc.)
  • Casino or Gambling events (ie. poker night) involving real money
  • Events Promoting Pseudoscience or Unproven Therapies (ie. chakra healing, flat earth, etc.)
  • Culturally Insensitive or Appropriative Events 
  • Deeply Personal or Sensitive Topic Discussions Without a Professional Moderator (ie. sexual abuse, eating disorders)
  • High-Risk Sports or Activities Without Proper Safeguards

Planning Essentials

  • Event Concept: Define your event's purpose, expected attendance, and scope, ensuring alignment with our club's ethos.
  • Venue:
    • Choose public or rentable spaces that are accessible and safe.
    • Private residences and rented common rooms in apartment buildings are only permitted for events with our prior approval.
    • To host in a private residence, you must have been a member for our group for at least 1 year and have come to a minimum of 10 events.
    •  Absolutely no "frat-style house parties" or events which push or require people to consume alcohol or cannabis. Illegal recreational street drugs of any kind are not permitted at any events, regardless of the host's personal stance.
  • At-Your-Own-Risk Disclaimer: Participation in, or hosting, any event is at your own risk. The club cannot vouch for the conduct of any members or the conditions of external venues. By hosting or attending, you acknowledge that you are assuming all risks associated with these activities and agree to not hold the club or its organizers liable for any incidents. You accept full responsibility and liability for your event and its attendees.
  • Financial Guidelines:
    • Self-Pay Events: No preapproval needed for events where each participant pays their own way (e.g., dining, bowling).
    • Pre-Purchase Scenarios: Obtain preapproval from our administration team for events requiring upfront payment from members for tickets or reservations. Example: If you've bought 10 tickets to an event to save the spots, and you want to fill the other 9 spots with group members.

Promotion & Communication

  • Accurate Information: Clearly communicate event details, including any costs, using our official channels. Include information not just on what the event is about, or what you're attending, but how to meet up with your and other members of the club. Make it clear if you are attending an existing event put on by another organization and want our members to join you, or if you're hosting your own event. 
  • Inclusivity: Ensure your event is open and welcoming to all members.
  • Event Sharing:
    • On-Topic Third-Party Events: You may share links to third-party events if they are relevant to the group's interest (ie. sharing a concert link)
    • Personal Invitations: If attending a third-party event, inviting other members to join you is encouraged. Ensure the event is presented as a personal invitation rather than an official club activity. Additionally, do not just copy and paste the third party event description. Include details for how our members will meet up with you personally at the event and what to expect.

Hosting Guidelines

  • Safety & Accessibility: Prioritize safety and ensure the venue is accessible to everyone.
  • Financial Transparency: Be upfront about any costs involved in participating in your event.
  • Rule Adherence: Uphold club rules and create a respectful, safe and enjoyable environment.

During the Event

  • Foster Connections: Encourage mingling and introductions to make everyone feel included.
  • Engagement Activities: Use icebreakers or group activities to encourage interaction.
  • Identity: Actively look out for others wandering nearby that may be looking for our group and introduce yourself. Encourage the use of name tags for larger events.

After the Event

  • Feedback & Reporting: Collect feedback and provide a summary to the club's administration, highlighting key outcomes and insights.
  • Thank You & Follow-Up: A post-event message to attendees can show appreciation and gather insights for future events.
  • Share With Us! Send us your event photos and a blurb that we can share on our official channels.

Additional Tips for Success

  • Communication: Create a private group chat for confirmed attendees. This will allow easier communication for last minute changes, avoid redundancy when answering questions, and provide a forum to share post-event photos.
  • Clear Guidelines on Sharing: Adhere to our rules about sharing third-party events, focusing on relevance and personal invitations without commercial interests.

By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to a welcoming, dynamic, and respectful community. Our collective efforts in hosting and participating in events strengthen the bonds within our club.