Member Perks
Explore Exclusive Member Perks, your access to special discounts and offers from local businesses, tailored for our community members. Enjoy savings on dining, entertainment, wellness, and more, thanks to our partnerships. Your membership not only connects you with events but also offers a lifestyle of savings and unique experiences. Support local businesses and save as you enjoy the diverse benefits your membership brings.
To access your perks, businesses may have varying policies.
You may be asked to show your membership on our Facebook group, provide a coupon code, or even just verbally state that you're with our club. See below for details! These deals are selected to enhance your experiences, thanking you for your role in our community. As we add more offers, keep an eye on this page for new ways to save and enjoy being a part of our community.
Dolan Photos — Jess Dolan
25% Discount
Natural Balance Therapies — Nina Poole
10% off all services
GAME OVER Escape Rooms — Jamie and Kèit Earls
10% off for groups of up to 3 and 20% off for groups of 4 or more
Use the promo code "GOESCAPE"
Ching Li Photography — Qingyuan "Ching" Li
25% discount
JD Lee — Mortgage Broker
$100 Cash offer post funding
Appraisal fee rebate up to $300
Will sponsor an event up to $2000 budget for every 10 mortgages funded through our club!
Charles Gallardo
50% discount from his fee
Pivot Holistic Healing
20% off
The Belmont - A Barber Collective
20% off
Optimal Tax Services — Gideon Egharevba
20% off
Lasso Lash Co — Jenna Campbell
30% off first visit; 10% off following visits
Novo Optical — Azra Tursic
30% off and buy 1 get one 50% off for frames